A Walk Among The Tombstones

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Users Reviews

  1. YummyBaer

    A very underrated thriller in my opinion

    9.0 rating

    A very underrated thriller in my opinion

  2. Johnmarstonlives

    As I read the storyline of this film on Wikipedia and watched the trailer I just realised Liam Neeson would be the perfect Max Payne!!

    10.0 rating

    As I read the storyline of this film on Wikipedia and watched the trailer I just realised Liam Neeson would be the perfect Max Payne!!

  3. Aoichans

    A very underrated thriller in my opinion

    9.0 rating

    A very underrated thriller in my opinion

  4. Davidariyan

    Very very very very good movie! Liam Neeson is top-notch!

    8.0 rating

    Very very very very good movie! Liam Neeson is top-notch!

  5. Bushido

    Damn, this is like the 5TH Neeson film this year this dude is pimping out that money, and I don’t blame him =D

    9.0 rating

    Damn, this is like the 5TH Neeson film this year this dude is pimping out that money, and I don’t blame him =D

  6. IrfanJafaronline

    One of the best opening scenes in any movie.

    9.0 rating

    One of the best opening scenes in any movie.


    I love anything, Liam Neeson. He’s the best; the end.

    9.0 rating

    I love anything, Liam Neeson. He’s the best; the end.

  8. Nwihsphysio

    The movie looks good but the cover of “Black Hole Sun” is a horrible pick for the soundtrack as it is a completely terrible-sounding version of a great song.

    9.0 rating

    The movie looks good but the cover of “Black Hole Sun” is a horrible pick for the soundtrack as it is a completely terrible-sounding version of a great song.

  9. Fonzlandez

    can someone tell me the name of this song in the background.. simply loved her voice

    10.0 rating

    can someone tell me the name of this song in the background.. simply loved her voice